असतो मा सद्गमय | तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ! मृत्योर्मा अमृतंगमय |
प्रेरणा श्रोत - Inspired by-
ईश्वर कि दृष्टि में पवित्र एवं शुद्ध भक्ति यह है कि गरीबों के दुःख तकलीफ में उनकी सेवा करें |
Pure and undefiled worship before God is this to serve the poor in their affliction. James 1:27
दर्शन VISION
हाशिये पर जीवन यापन करनेवाले लोगों का समग्र विकास करना |
Overall transformation of marginalized people.
लक्ष्य- GOAL
25 प्रतिशत लोगों को गरीबी रेखा से ऊपर लाना
Bringing up 25% people from the poverty line.
मुख्य उद्देश्य-MAIN OBJECTIVE
- 1. To open a College/School/Literacy centre for Poor people who sacrificed their dreams just because of lack of money
- 2. To promote education, awareness, skills and IT through establish the educational institutions, centers, hostels and vocational trainings.
- 3. To empower the women reject and counter violence within the home and in Society through education, self-help, cooperative, Network and to access rights.
- 4. To reduce poverty by improving economic status of individuals through income Generation activities.
- 5. To empower youth and adolescents by providing vocational/skill development trainings for sustainable livelihoods and employment.
- 6. To rehabilitate child labour and empower the children on their rights.
- 7. To improve health status of communities through health education and awareness, environmental cleanliness and increasing access to primary health and child care centers in remote villages.
- 8. To eradicate illiteracy
- 9. To promote gender equality.
- 10. To educate beggar child, street child and slum child.
- 11. To literate adults through adult literacy program.
- 12. To move away from religious teachings and the advocacy of a scientific, rational and humanistic approach.
- 13. To aware on organic farming.
- 14. To aware on skilled education.
- 15. To aware health issue and medical camp.
- 16. To ware save the water and earth.
- 17. To aware sanitation.
- 18. To aware on protection of environment.
- 19. To empower the women by tailoring and beautification.
- 20. Youth and children legacy programme.
- 21. To aware about human trafficking.
- 22. To help by providing counseling on family issue.
- 23. Marriage beauro and counseling.